News Brief: Baton Rouge March for Life
February 23, 2015
MODG high school students attended The Baton Rouge March for Life on January 24th, 2015 on the Louisiana State University (LSU) campus. Three thousand people gathered to listen to speakers – notably the governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal – and participate in the march.

Although several hundred pro-choice protesters gathered on the LSU campus to shout protests, no violence occurred. “The march went rather well and was relatively peaceful in spite of the protesters,” said MODG junior Kimberly Sellers, who was present at this event. Marchers gathered for an afternoon full of prayer and praise and worship at the conclusion of the march. Governor Jindal lead the prayer rally, saying, “We can’t just pass a law and fix what ails our country. We need a spiritual revival to fix what ails our country.”
-MODG 11th grader Kimberly Sellers contributed to this report.

Ashley Sellers (eighth grade MODG student), Caroline Stearns, Julie Campeaux (tenth grade MODG student), Lauren Sellers (tenth grade MODG student), and Kimberly Sellers (Eleventh grade MODG student) all listening to Governor Jindal speak. Photo courtesy of Kimberly Sellers