The student news site of Mother of Divine Grace in Ojai, California


The student news site of Mother of Divine Grace in Ojai, California


The student news site of Mother of Divine Grace in Ojai, California


Writer’s Quill Rules

Rules & Regulations  

Please be respectful of the following rules when submitting your stories:

All stories must be G-PG. Remember, this is a K-12 site so inappropriate/mature content is absolutely prohibited.

Under certain circumstances, violence may be permitted in stories as long as it has a good purpose. Again, this site has a younger audience as well as an older one, and pointless gore for dramatic effect is not allowed. Examples of violence that is permitted would be: David killing the murderous Goliath to save the people, battles of good versus evil, martyrdom, etc. Even in cases such as these, however, still keep our younger readers in mind and do not make your story overly disturbing. 

Stories may not be fan fiction. This is not a fan fiction site and, therefore, such stories cannot be allowed. All stories must be original, with the exceptions of historical fiction, biblical characters and events, and saints.

There is no set word limit for stories. We don’t want you to feel like your story is being held back by a word limit when it could reach its full potential by being a bit longer. Just use your own judgment when writing your story, and if you’re afraid it might be too long, you can always read some of the previous winning stories on the Writer’s Quill to get an idea of how long authors in the past made their stories. Don’t get too caught up in how many words are in your story, though; the content of your story and how well it is written are far more important.

To submit your story, either copy-and-paste it into the message box in the “Submit Your Idea” bar on the MODG News homepage, or email your submission to [email protected]

Your name, your grade, and your story’s title must be included when submitting your story. If you do forget to include one of the above, simply send the information separately afterwards.

US Eastern (EDT and EST) is the standard time zone for submission deadlines.

Thank you for following these rules and regulations! If you have any questions about the rules or whether your story/story idea complies with these rules, please comment on the current Writer’s Quill prompt announcement or send an email to [email protected]

Happy writing!