Founded on December 10th, 1946, Franciscan University is a Catholic college that started out teaching many WWII veterans. Originally known as the College of Steubenville, it was

founded by the first bishop of Steubenville and came from a humble beginning. Over the years, the faith life has grown and been nurtured by the Franciscan order of Third Order Regulars. The courses continue this faith journey by requiring theology and philosophy courses.
Many MODG students have attended this college over the years, and we asked a recent graduate, Susannah Cope, to speak about what is her favorite part of attending Franciscan University.
Susannah: It is really hard to pick a favorite part about Franciscan University, but I would have to say that I love how Christ-centered the community is. It has been wonderful to meet so many amazing people, and I’m very grateful for all of the friendships I have made in the past seven months! The joy on campus is beautiful, and it is such a blessing to be around people who are striving to grow in their relationship with God and show His love to others.
It’s wonderful to see the camaraderie within the different majors, intramural teams, athletics, households, mission teams, and more. Households in particular are such a unique aspect of Franciscan; they are groups of men or women who are striving for holiness together through weekly commitments and living out their covenant. (For more information, see I am currently an “intent” for one of the households, and it has been such a wonderful experience getting to know the other women in household and becoming a part of this sisterhood of women who are are supporting each other and striving to grow closer to God.
Balancing academics, prayer, friends, family, and activities can be difficult, so it is really helpful to be at a college where there is a call to grow deeper in your relationship with God, to have Christ at the center of your life, and where you can see the Faith lived out by other students who are also trying to balance the same things you are. There truly is such a special community at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and I am so grateful to be a part of it.