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Praying with your Bible

Theresa Sabados

Do you want to pray with your Bible more?

If you are a Catholic, the Bible is the most important book in your life. It is highly encouraged by the Church to read and pray with it. However, it can be hard to know where to start.

There are three methods of prayer that can help with this. These are: Lectio Divina, St. Ignatian method, and the SOAP method.

Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is a Latin word which means “divine reading.” Lectio Divina is a traditional prayer method which can be done alone or in a group. The first step is to choose a passage of the Bible to read. This can either be a reading from the day, or any passage of your choosing. Read the passage over slowly (it is helpful to read it a few times). Pick out a phrase or line from the passage that stood out to you. Reflect on that phrase and try to think of why God has pointed it out to you. It is helpful to write your phrase and reflection in a journal. If you are in a group, you can take turns sharing what stood out to you and what it may mean in your life.

St. Ignatian Method
The St. Ignatian Method was created by St. Ignatius of Loyola. This form of prayer uses all of your senses. First, find a quiet place where you can pray. Then choose a passage from the Gospel. Read over this passage, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Imagine yourself in the scene of this passage. Imagine the scenery. Ask yourself what you feel, what you smell, and what you hear. Are you hot or cold? Who are you with? Are you right next to Jesus? Are you replying to Jesus? Are you just watching Him from afar? Once you are finished, reflect on how you felt or how you replied.

SOAP Method
The SOAP method is a newer, but still effective method of prayer. SOAP is an acronym that stands for scripture, observation, application, and prayer. Write down S, O, A, and P in a journal in a vertical line leaving space between each letter. The next step is to choose a passage or phrase from scripture. Read through it a few times and write it down under the S in your journal. Under the O, write down your observations of the scripture you choose. Was it interesting or boring? Sad or happy? Now, under A, write down how you may be able to apply this passage or phrase to your life. The final letter is P, which is prayer. This is where you write your reply to God from this passage. Even if it isn’t a direct reply to the passage, it is still something you should write down.

These are just three methods of prayer using your Bible. You can use any variation of them or make your own method of prayer. Regardless of the method, the Bible is a great way to strengthen your relationship with God.

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  • V

    Virginia SpeerFeb 28, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    I am an 87-year-old great-grandmother and God continues to surprise me with yet another way to pray through the eyes and heart of a much, much younger generation…proof that we are all a work in progress.
