MODG Students Meet Across the Globe – Youth 2000, Ireland

Hope Ascough, VOX Photo Editor

Have you ever randomly bumped into another MODG student when you were least expecting it?  I did at a wonderful Youth 2000 retreat in Ireland!

Youth 2000 is worldwide Catholic youth conference that is fun and on fire for Christ.  It is held several times in a year, bringing young Catholics together even from all across the world.  There is Mass, confession, a reconciliation service, incredible talks, music jams, and lots of fun.   If you look it up, you may be able to find a Youth 2000 in your area!

I, Hope Ascough, am from Ireland where I attended the Christmas Youth 2000 retreat in Co. Kildare.  While I was talking to some awesome NET missionaries, Daniel Rollino and I realised that we had a few friends in common!  “Wait a second… are you a MODGer!?”  

The world just seems to get smaller and smaller, and MODG just seems to get bigger and bigger!  It was such a blessing to randomly bump into a fellow MODG student from across the globe and to appreciate our beautiful school together.

Get to know a little bit about Daniel Rollino in this three-minute interview, which was taken at 1:30 a.m. (I know, why were we still awake?) at Youth 2000 in Ireland:

Do you have a similar story – have you ever unexpectedly bumped into another MODG student?  Share your experience in the comments!