Answer Key for First Amendment Quiz

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1. The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights.

2. The First Amendment to the Constitution is a list of freedoms of the people.

3. There are five freedoms listed in the First Amendment.

4. All of the above. (Petition, Assembly, Religion, Press, Speech)

5. The Anti-Federalists supported adopting the Bill of Rights.

6. They did so because they were worried about the rights of the individuals.

7. The March for Life was an expression of free speech (and assembly).

8. The freedom of speech allows people to express their ideas and view freely.

9. The First Amendment does not give people a right to free speech on privately owned property because that would be an infringement of individual liberty.

10. A school can exclude a student group if it is deemed unlawful or disruptive of orderly conduct.

11. Private companies can tell employees not to discuss religion or politics with customers.

12. The government can limit protests on government property.