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Praying with Proverbs during Lent

Using Proverbs 31 for Lent (as a teen girl)
Theresa Sabados
Artwork by Theresa Sabados

Now that Lent has arrived, it is important to do something which will bring you closer to God and strengthen your faith. You can use Proverbs 31 to do this.

One may think that Proverbs 31 can only be applied to a wife; however, there are many versus which can direct a young woman.

There are six versus in particular that can direct you to be the most faithful version of yourself.

Proverbs 31:13
“She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands.”
This verse teaches us to complete our responsibilities well and without complaint. This applies to any school, jobs, or chores we might have. This verse also teaches us to not avoid work but to seek it out. A good way to fulfill this verse would be to do all your homework before doing anything fun or to help around the house more than usual.

Proverbs 31: 17
“She clothes her loins with strength and makes her arms strong.”
This verse teaches us to strengthen our bodies and to care for them both physically and spiritually. To physically strengthen your body means to exercise it and give it nourishing food. Spiritually this means to attend Mass, Confession, and Adoration regularly. Another important way to care for your body is to think well of it. This may be the hardest one as a teen girl; however, you are made by God and in His image. So, try not to disgrace Him or yourself by looking down on His creation.

Proverbs 31: 20
“She opens her hands to the poor, and reaches out her hands to the needy.”
This verse teaches us to give to the less fortunate. We can give our belongings, our time, or our prayers. For belongings, you can go through your possessions and donate what you don’t want or need anymore. For time, you can volunteer at charities, or help a sibling or friend with school. For prayers, you can ask people for their intentions and set aside a time to pray for them.

Proverbs 31: 25

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”

There are two messages in this verse. The first teaches us how to dress. Dressing modestly is important because its not only for our brothers in Christ, but more importantly to dress as a child of God. Allow your clothes to dignify yourself rather than disrespect your worth. Remind yourself who you are dressing for before choosing an outfit. The second teaches us about disposition. It tells us to be positive about the future and to be strong and dignified as we go through life. Writing down your blessing and the good things that happen each day is a good way to help with this.

Proverbs 31: 26

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”
This verse teaches us to speak with wisdom and kindness. This applies when talking face to face and behind someone’s back. You can try to increase your wisdom by reading a spiritual book. Speaking kindly of others also means speaking no ill of others. So, don’t gossip and speak up when others are talking badly.

Proverbs 31: 30
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

This verse teaches us what our priorities should be. That is to put God above everything else in our life, as well as to be humble. To help make these priorities in your life you can set aside more time for prayer in your day. You can also make sure to give thanks to God for all your gifts at the end of every day.

Proverbs 31 is a good passage to guide us on the way we should act as daughters of God.

Lent is a wonderful time to do this. Proverbs 31 can be used as your guide as a woman from now and all through your life. God will always guide and talk to His daughters through Scripture.
(All verses taken from Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Version Bible.)

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